Monday, March 15, 2010

List of Photo Assignments to be Completed

  1. Assignment 1: Chinese New Year
  2. Assignment 2: Various shots and sequence of shots of objects within the campus
  3. Assignment 3: Various shots and sequence of shots of objects outside the campus
  4. Assignment 4: Various shots and sequence of shots of objects according to theme decided by own group

Perisytiharan 16 Mac 2010

Adalah dgn ini diisytiharkan bahawa:
  1. Blog setiap kumpulan akan mula dinilai bermula pada 23 Mac 2010.
  2. Individu dan kumpulan akan mengutip markah secara kumulatif (umpukan) bermula pada tarikh tersebut.
  3. Setiap kumpulan blog dikehendaki memasukkan gambar-gambar terbaik ke dalam blog dari setiap assignment. Gambar-gambar hendaklah diiringi dgn maklumat teknikal dan caption.
  4. Peperiksaan pertengahan semester digantikan dgn assignment fotografi tambahan yg temanya diputuskan oleh kumpulan masing-masing. Sila isytiharkan tema tersebut di blog masing-masing!
  5. Pautan ke album foto setiap ahli blog MESTI disediakan!

Monday, March 8, 2010

To do No. 4 - Photoshoot Assignments 2 and 3

Dear all, congratulations for completing the first photoshoot assignment. Please update your blogs ASAP.

Theme for Assignment 2: Various shots and sequence of shots of objects within the campus.

Theme for Assignment 3: Various shots and sequence of shots of objects outside the campus.

Monday, March 1, 2010

To do No. 3 - Collaborated Study Notes

Please create notes based on the course outlines and process them as entries in your group's blog. The following are the modified outlines:

1.0 Pengenalan kepada fotografi
• Apakah fotografi [1][2][3]
• Fotografi dlm kehidupan seharian
• Fotografi dlm kehidupan masyarakat
• Fotografi sebagai medium visual dan bahasa

2.0 Bagaimana sesebuah kamera berfungsi
• Komponen badan kamera
• Perbezaan kamera 35m viewfinder dengan kamera SLR
• Lensa kamera
• Meter penata cahaya

3.0 Teori-teori berkaitan fotografi
• Teori framing
• Kepuasan gambar
• Aspek psikologi sesebuah imej dlm media

4.0 Aplikas dan kesan aperture dan shutter speed
• Hubungan aperture dan shutter speed dalam penghasilan gambar
Depth of field
• Perbandingan mode pengambil gambar
• Ekperimen dan penelitian kualiti gambar
• Implikasi imej
• Keperluan berstrategi dalam kerja fotografi

5.0 Teknik pengambilan gambar (shots)
• Kepelbagaian shot
• Pengadunan imej, cahaya dan teknik shutter speed
• Impak 3-dimensional

6.0 Elemen-elemen gambar yg mempengaruhi khalayak media
Scene dan sequences dan emosi khalayak
• Teknik persembahan mesej
• Konsep reality yg digambarkan oleh foto

Monday, February 22, 2010

To do No. 2

  1. Select the 5 to 10 best photographs from the CNY assignment/photoshoot
  2. Upload them to a specific folder (give the folder a name such as CNY 2010) of your online photo album
  3. Describe the technical aspects of each photograph and create captions* for them
  4. Enter the photographs with their technical descriptions and captions in your group's blog
  5. Make sure the comment section of your blog is enabled to allow comments ONLY by registered users
*Captions are a phrase, sentence, or short paragraph describing the contents of an illustration such as photos or charts. Photo captions are usually placed directly above, below, or to the side of the pictures they describe. After headlines and graphics, photo captions are the third most looked at portion of most printed pages. Use captions to pull in the reader.

Monday, February 8, 2010

To do No. 1

  1. Set up your group's blog
  2. Search and insert the contents of your search in the group's blog. The initial entry should talk about 'photography', 'shutter' and 'aperture'
  3. Also insert links to videos (such as those on Youtube) which talk about 'photography', 'shutter' and 'aperture'
  4. Set up your group's online photo albums (such as those on Flickr or others)
  5. Send your group's blog address to
  6. Your first group assignment is to take photographs which describe this Chinese New Year